Orthographic Shoe Drawing

Finished view 1-3


Finished view 4-6

My shoe


working on views 1-2

Making adjustments

From class before adjustments. (i lost the photo of the first three views before adjustments


First set of adjustments for views 4-6. Needed to change the 6th view.


The top three improvements I needed to make for my drawings was

  1. Make shoe lines darker
  2. Have different line weight for guidelines
  3. Re-do view three (was not to scale)

Upon review I learned I also needed to re-do view 6, as the heel was not to scale.

Top 3 things I learned/realized while doing these drawings.

  1. Patience and perseverance are key. I am not used to drawing things like this so I really struggled, but after really pushing myself and not getting discouraged I got the hang of it.
  2. I gained a better understanding of perspectives, and that how the eye sees things isn’t always correct.
  3. I learned that its better to take the time to do it right the first time rather than taking shortcuts because in the end you will end up doing more work. If you are confused its better to ask questions than to do it wrong.


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