Final Shoe Project- Gecko Shoe!

Part A

  1. We began or study of the shoe starting with orthographic drawings – Link:   and then by creating a wire shoe – Link:  We later explored our understanding of the figure with plaster molds.
  2. Another step taken to understand the shoe form was to create a paper model which really helped me understand the surfaces and structure more clearly.
  3. My project is called The Gecko Shoe as I was inspired by the up and down sticking movement of their legs/paws. Originally I planned to just fold sheet metal in the same way that I approached the modifications of my paper shoe, however I realized that would not count as a mechanism. I decided to connect the metal with wire and wood and a kind of hinge to produce better movement and I added a tail to make an indirect movement.



sheet metal-$5

plastic- recycled

wire- already had

silicone- borrowed(free)

thread- already had

scrap wood – free

purchased wood -$2

green plastic sheet- $3

hinge- $2

screws- given to me

glitter- already had

2- The plastic and wood in my piece were repurposed materials. I also utilized a lot of things I already had.





metal cutters

band saw



4- I learned how to attach things to wood by using screws and the drill and also adding silicone to the top. I sewed plastic which I had never done before and I learned how to use wire and sheet metal together with the help of pliers and metal tools such as the awl.

Part B

initial stages of my legs

applying silicone to the wood

The past skills I applied during this project are the wood shop, working with wire, and sewing.

Working with silicone, metal tools and screws/drills were new to me and I learned how to work with them in a variety of ways.

New tools I learned how to use include drills, awls, metal shapers and many attachment techniques with my pliers to manipulate wire.

The biggest challenge in making this project was fully developing my idea so that it became an indirect movement. I really struggled to even make my direct movement work properly, and then I had to create a whole new component and also make that part function.

The most satisfying thing about this project was ending up with a fully functioning final piece that not only works but is an indirect movement. I spent countless hours working and researching so coming out with something great is really rewarding.

paper shoe, real shoe, gecko shoe


Videos demonstrating movement

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