United Nations Trip Reflection

The field trip to the United Nations was a really cool and special experience that not many people get the privilege of having. The building was so nice and grand and being in that room had a really good feeling. I learned a lot while being there for such a short period of time. I learned that Copenhagen uses way more bikes than cars which is really awesome and is something I did not know about before. Riding bikes instead of cars is a really sustainable choice because it saves gas, materials, and money for everyone involved. Also, it keeps everyone that lives there active and healthy. I really enjoyed listening to speak about her books because they were really interesting and on topics, I did not know about before. I had no clue how important copper is and how much of a role it plays in our daily lives. I didn’t know that it powers out phones or has as many purposes as it does.  I think the question of how we can extract the copper without running out or hurting other peoples lives is a difficult one that takes design solutions to conquer. I also really loved the visuals on her books and want to check them out and get a closer look. I also thought that learning about the fashion industry was fun and it shocked me how little I know. I thought it was really great how not only did I get to hear people from Denmark speak but also professors from my school. I tend to forget how many great people and resources I have available to me because of Parsons. Going on this trip reminded me of all I have available to me and I should take advantage and speak to some professors and learn some more.

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