Inhabited Space Mini Projects

  1. Chose one of the following exhibitions to visit. Study the artist’s use of material and form to shape a space that engages your body.  Consider scale and movement around the pieces. How does your body’s relationship to the work inform your interpretation/understanding of the work?

I went to see Sara Sze’s work and one of the things that drew me in the most was the way that anyone could insert themselves into the body of work. In one of the many spaces, presented as a messy artist space. It was as though wanted us to see her true process through her work. The space was messy with supplies everywhere and works in progress on the wall.

2. NO/YES/MODIFY: What surfaced for you in this body-based exploration? Share reflections in text or image.

This project was something that was far out of my comfort zone.  I spent a lot of times trying to figure out how to best complete it and to do it as correctly. I ran into some issues with the graph shifting while I was working and ended up having to start from the ground up. But, through this I learned that it is important patient. I also ran into many issues with the model. I had everything cut into the size that it was supposed to be. I had decided to paint my box and ran into multiple issues.  The cardboard ended up absorbing the paint poorly and caused it to become very moist. In my attempt to allow my project to stand out, I ended up failing. I realize now that it is important to fail and that failure is apart of the creative process.



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