Putting Myself in a Jar

For my Bridge 5 project, I had to put together a self portrait made of scraps. My first few ideas were things like my trash, or things in my room, because I’m a huge believer that you can tell much more about a person fro their living space than you can in two months time. However, I couldn’t find an idea I was excited about. I finally came to the idea about my food scraps because I know I like to eat and I like to eat often. By doing this project I was able to be made aware of my consumption, what my limits are so I don’t waste, composting and other forms of food waste recycling, and how I was only able to do this project because of my economic comfort. The conversations I had throughout the week were reflective of many of those things and I was able to educate and be educate all week long. This project got me really excited and I was thrilled with the outcome.img_4867img_4871 img_4878 img_4875 img_4921

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