
For Bridge 1 in Studio, we were supposed to find an ad and subvert the meaning by method of collage. I was very stuck through this process and mixed the two steps of picking and ad and doing the collaging in one step. I didn’t want to print a new ad out because I found it rather phony and liked the gloss of magazine paper. I found the “I’m ____ in my Calvins” campaign and loved how easy it was to change the meanings to thousands of different things. I found one of a model posing in a silk looking robe and the word they used was “Untouchable”. I riffed off of this concept by playing with texture. At first I wanted to just collage with a 2D material but afterward I found it more effective if I actually stuck thumb tacks through the back of the piece. I fell in love with the dimensionality of it and how it engaged more than one of the senses.


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