Central Park

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  1. We stood on the bridge and watched people sail along the water in gondolas like we were in Venice.

2. The low afternoon sun highlighted how much nature there really is in the middle of Manhattan, and the fact this spider web is on a fence reminded me of how constructed this experience really is.

3. Central Park feels like a quite little cave of nature away from all the big buildings and noise of the city.

4. Gondolas.

5. I didn’t know New York even had this many plants.

6. Someone had just left this magazine lying on a rock amid the plants, turned to this page, and we stumbled upon it and were struck by how fitting these words were with the “fake” experience we were in the park to explore.

7. People tend to document an experience of nature more than they actually experience it.

8. A wild Naz appeared and joined our group for a bit. We climbed stuff.

9. Nothin’ like a metal label hammered into the nature to remind a person that someone chose to put it there.

10. Documenting nature.

11. I’m from Florida. I’ve never seen the leaves change before.

12. Children interact with nature better than adults do.

13. We became very aware of how manmade Central Park is due to the various types of plant life that would not naturally be found together in one location in one climate.

14. Central Park was filled with families, and it’s lovely that a place exists which encourages families to be outside together.

15. Sometimes, people capitalize off tourist attractions and really seem to enjoy themselves. Sometimes, they don’t.

16. Strawberry Fields is the most colorful place I’ve ever seen.

17. The water in Central Park is like college: get involved, but don’t get TOO involved or else you will be FULL OF REGRETS.

18. Pictured: a father photographs a beautiful moment shared between his wife and his daughter in front of a boat carrying a woman wearing a hot pink tutu on her head.

     Not pictured: me, once again, loving New York City.

19. This man stood by the water with the people in the gondolas playing a bright red accordion.

20. Will finally got to pet a dog!!

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