Integrated Design Studio 1: Typologies


The object whose typologies I decided to analyze is a succulent pot.

My list of typologies included:

  • Capable of containment
  • Deep enough to hold soil and plants’ root systems
  • Made of water-proof material
  • Capable of being transported
  • Doesn’t fall over
  • Holds one plant as opposed to multiples (aka terrarium)

I chose to redesign an object that was still a succulent pot, but that explored the typology “doesn’t fall over,” and I wanted to design something that at first glance appeared to be defying gravity a bit.

I initially was exploring the different materials options and wanted to utilize something natural like a sea shell or a coconut, but ultimately this was a design assignment, so I felt as though I couldn’t just draw a picture of a sea shell and be like, “Ok, I’m done!!” So, I ultimately went a different route.

A few times, I had conceptualized a design and decided to google something similar for photo references for drawing purposes and to just see what already exists, and I found the exact same design. Like. Including the color and dimensions. So I had to reconceptualize my design a few times, and I ultimately arrived at this:


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