Integrated Design Studio: Graphic Narrative

This project was interesting. I initially was majoring in Illustration, and a part of the reason I switched to IDP was because I didn’t really want to draw comics or graphic narrative. So when we received the graphic narrative assignment for our design studio, I recognized the irony immediatelyyyyy.

That being said, I’ve not had tons of experience drawing graphic narratives, and I’ve never drawn comic style, so this was a really fun exploration into something I’ve never done before.

I sat in Union Square park for a while, observing the couples on benches holding hands under the canopy of trees and watching the animals of the park nibble on pieces of street popcorn from vendors that all somehow smells better than it looks. The most significant event from that observational period was what I ultimately chose to draw for my graphic narrative. Here is a written narrative on my experience that I wrote from the park:


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