
Camera angles are very important to the way players interact with scenes and can change their experience in the game. This is a concept I have been thinking a lot about while creating my platformer and designing the platforms themselves as well as background scenery. Deciding on what type of camera movement works best will also help me to decide where to constrain my main playing area and expand on or limit my character’s world. Although I had thought of climbing vines in order to get to higher tree branch platforms within my game, one thing this brought up that I hadn’t thought of was swinging, which could be beneficial to implement into my game as an added form of maneuverability rather than restricting the characters motions. Moving platforms are also something I will have to think a lot more about, as my current form of platform is a tree branch which must remain stagnant. I will definitely look into other options for passing platforms in order to avoid such a stiff scene with more restricted movement and interaction. My mechanics will most likely start out very simple with just running and jumping in order to establish basic rules for the player such as how high and far they can jump or how long it takes them to travel certain distances for future scenarios when they are avoiding enemies. They can then be built up by adding swinging motions and actions such as shooting or defending that still use the same basic rules to allow the player to predict what will happen rather than guessing at the new mechanics.

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