Tooolkit Proposal – sustainable systems

Natural is the title of the toolkit intended to spread awareness on the effect that manufacturing paint has on our environment and health. the target audience is young artists since they are the ones who will impact the future of our planet within the art industry. The toolkit consists of an envelope that contains four sheets of paper, two stickers, and a coloring book.

The papers inside will consist of a short quote from the EPA website that specifies the harm that manufacturing paint does to the environment. According to what they say, when paint is manufactured, toxins are released into the air that contain metal particles. Not only does this effect the atmosphere but our health as well; especially the health of those who work at the factories. The factory workers will usually live a shorter life span than the average person. There will be another set of three papers that focus on teaching how to make your very own organic watercolor paint. One will include a list of fruit and plant examples that can be used. Another paper will list the materials needed to make the watercolor paint. The last one will be a step by step instruction manual on what to mix, grind, and blend together in order to have the final product.

The coloring book consists of different fruits and vegetables. They are each numbered accordingly to the list at the back of the coloring book. Whichever fruit or vegetable is on the page is the item that you would use in the process of making the watercolor paint. For example, if one the images on the coloring book is a carrot, then you would grind an actual carrot following the guide for making the paint and use that to color the page.

The envelope also includes two stickers that can be placed anywhere such as notebooks, laptops, phone cases, etc. One of the stickers is just the logo, and the other one is a watercolor palette with the logo on it. The idea of the stickers is to advertise the brand and help spread awareness.

The responsible party for this project would be the Environmental Protection Agency, otherwise known as EPA. This agency is definitely a match due to the focus that the project has on spreading awareness about the damage that manufacturing paint causes on the environment and the way it teaches people how to avoid the problem by utilizing their household items to make organic alternatives.

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