City As Resource #3 NY Artbookfair

  1. Zine 1: 

Name of the Zine: I feel very sleepy

The artist’s name: Ohiana

Material: Textured paper

Text and font: There were not text inside the zine, only pictures. The cover page is the only part when the artist put texts in. It’s handwritten and very squiggly, and not aligned.

Use of Imagery: Many shots of drowsy looking people, as well as disturbing images of animal-faced figures, black and white, worn out.

The content: As mentioned before, the entire zine is black and white, with almost no text. contains images of people looking sleepy, tired, or animal-faced portraits that are distorted.

The Layout: one image on each page, either takes up the whole page or comes in a circle frame.

Singular vision 

    2. Zine 2: 

Name of the Zine: Cry

The artist’s name: Yan Cong

Material: paper

Text and font: Handwritten text

Where: Beijing China

Use of Imagery: It’s very visual, with many small drawings that describes a story, and follows through an action — Cry.

The content: Contains a few short stories that involve emotional transformations. In the picture I took, the woman is stressing how betrayed she is feeling, and how she thinks he doesn’t love her anymore.

The Layout: The typical comic layout with grids. Clearly, handwritten and hand-drawn.

Singular vision 

3. Zine 3:


Name of the Zine: 100% Better Than Original

The artist’s name: Nick Sethi & Brian Paul Lamotte

Material: paper, and transparent film, bind

Text and font: Printed texts, mainly logos

Use of Imagery: Again, the whole book is very visual. Each page contains something different. The entire zine is a collection of photographs.

The content: Contains photographs of different people wearing accessories or clothes from different brands that are displayed on the cover. The paper is in mint green, therefore the prints are black and green as well.

The Layout: Each photo takes up the whole page.



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