Wire Portrait

First, we did cross contour drawings in class. The activity was divided into blind cross contour and cross contour. My blind cross contour drawings were really messy, therefore I chose the normal cross contour drawing I did on Troy to make the wire portrait.

The materials I used was the 18g aluminum wire and the 24g annealed wire, and when I needed wires thicker than 24g but skinner than 18g, I twisted two annealed wires together to form another gauge. This also created a different and unique texture to the wire portrait. Which can be seen in the image below:

Final look of the portrait:

I was pleased that the overall look of the portrait is clean and neat, the knots are not very big and clumpy, and the details were done relatively well. However, I did realize that the nose was made too long, leaving no space for the mouth, and the eyes should have been closer to the eyebrows. Since it’s my first attempt at wire portraits, I am relatively happy with the outcome.

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