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“Air pollution rots our brain. Is that why we don’t do anything about it ?”

In the 21st century, humans are facing with new problems each they. There some that are urgent, some that can be postponed, some that can be solved and some that can not be solved. However air pollution is not one of the problem that can be postponed or that can not be solved. We have the power to change it however, we do not put our full effort into it.

In this text written by James Bridle, the effects and results or air pollution is explained. It mentions the fact that; “…people who live in major citites- which is, today, most of us- are not only suffering from increase in respiratory illnesses and other chronic condtions due to air pollution, but arre losing our cognitive functions.” As it can be seen in this quotation, this problem that we are delaying to solve is right in the middle of our lives and it effects it more and more each day.

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