Art and Impact Series Mini-Task



I thought what resonated with me was that she was very happy little and joyful, but suddenly changed. I thought the part of where she is listing the reasons to hold onto life was really enjoyable and something I always think about such as the simplest thing as the summer air. although she is depressed, she isn’t letting it take her down in life. She still sees the beauty in life and sees that depression is worth being fought for to fully embrace the beauty of life.

This video was very interesting because I feel it relating to me. The intimacy of bodies is something so intense and something that requires trust. The two men are trying to battle their ways to fully embrace each other. He is used to pushing off people and only wanting sex but can’t embrace the feelings he is feeling because he is scared. I found the movements and eye contact of the video very powerful and the voice over to help get into the mind of the man. It made me connect with him by not wanting to embrace what can be fully there.


I thought this video was something I can relate to. Although she is feeling “blue” throughout the video, she goes back to painting which is something she finally she smiled about throughout the entire video. She is using the color blue in her painting and I feel it is a way to show how her happiness and sadness co exist with one another. The paint is blue to show her emotions but it is also that makes her content and happy. I thought the ending of the video was most powerful with the blue paint.



Looking at the video, I never thought of the stress of middle school kids. I always think it is high school, but middle schoolers are in the age of where they are developing into teenagers and into this world that will consume them of what teenagers go through and later as adults. It is a scary phase because it is the beginning of getting used to what will be in the future and it can be confusing with how to cope with what these new feelings are and how to make everyone happy. I myself in middle school was at a stage where I was just trying to make evreryone happy and trying to fit in. I would have these new feelings I didn’t know how to deal with and would keep them to myself. Meditation seems almost crucial for these middle schoolers to relax and see that they don’t have to react but just release the feelings.

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