MOVIE/TV show Mini-task

Ian Gallagher- Shameless (show)

Ian Gallager`s bipolar episodes are shown throughout the show by him going off his pills and making wild decisions such as running away to Mexico with his ex boyfriend. He got his bipolarness from his mother. When he acts on his bipolarness, he does everything with good intention. An example is taking his ex-boyfriends baby and driving down to Mexico with him to raise him there. It was of good intention and he was thinking of he well being of the baby. He has his highs with bipolarness. He has stayed in bed for a few days, made reckless decisions and has worked in places that were very sexual. On one of his highs during bipolarness, he stole a helicopter from the US army. He had trobule getting a job as an EMT worker because of his bipolarness, but showed that he wanted to work there and got accepted. This show is shedding a light on being bipolar as something that comes with good intentions and isn’t harmful to be around. They are normal people.

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