Bridge 3.4 Prototype 1

Assignment Description

In this assignment, we made a more refined prototype of our final project.

In studio, we created a list of our obsessions and chose one to focus on. We looked into our obsessions more into depth and reflected on our relations with them. I chose aesthetics as my obsession because I’ve been drawn to spaces and environments that are visually appealing. The aesthetic attributes of a place have always enhanced and determined my overall experience as I absorb the nature of the place. In creating my own aesthetic, I wanted to create an atmospheric space that allows me to feel calm and relaxed.  I wanted to use inspiration from a specific place that I have a connection towards. I thought of my grandfather’s place in my home country, South Korea. I decided that I wanted to also capture the nostalgia and connection I feel towards that place by using inspiration from the beautiful outdoors of his place. I recreated the branches and vines that surrounds his house using wire. I wanted to experiment with wire to achieve the minimal and dainty appearance of the delicate plants. In creating this prototype, I decided that was going to use wire for the final project and be open to more ways I can use this medium to carry out the desired aesthetic to create the atmospheric space.

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