
Assignment Description

In this assignment, we took ordinary actions and manipulated its perception and meaning to make it extraordinary.


 In this assignment, we took simple actions that could be broken down into components to disrupt the ordinary flow of the scenes. My storyboard shows a person getting ready to leave the house.
Disrupted Storyboard
 I added in more scenes that I would later disrupt through the editing process. I focused on the actions of the person and included close ups from different angles.

The goals of this Ordinary/Extraordinary project were to take something ordinary and enhance its  meaning by intentionally disrupting its sequence to suggest a different perspective of the story. My experience in creating this was challenging but exciting because I was able to arrange my clips however I wanted using effects to manipulate the story. The challenges I had were balancing the audio with the effects, as well as deciding which parts could have more impact through specific edits.

I learned about the different aspects of creating a film by walking through the process of creating a storyboard, shooting the scenes, recording the audio, and arranging everything together. Going through these steps individually gave me a glimpse of how filmmakers produce films and show their intentions through specific shots.  I learned that audio can enhance the visual experience of the viewer and  carry the flow of the story more than the cuts themselves. I was able to experiment and see how different angles and sound effects can change the viewer’s perception and carry the viewer’s interest. For future work, I will take what I learned from this process to experiment with more ways to present an idea by taking something ordinary and changing its original meaning. I can produce the desired impact by creating multiple perspectives and adding unexpected twists that engages the viewer to think beyond what is being shown to them.

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