Baba Yaga Dress

In Integrative Studio, we got into groups of three and were asked to make a wearable garment based on a fairy tale we were inspired by. My group included Wilder and Wiet, and we chose the story of Baba Yaga. Baba Yaga is a witch who lives near and helps a young girl living with her evil step mother and step sisters. This young girl is constantly harassed with more chores to do by her step relatives and has no choice but to obey their commands. One day, her step mother tells her she must travel to find light. She goes searching and after walking miles, she stumbles across a small strange looking house. Baba Yaga introduces herself and gives the girl what she needs. However, once the girl enters the house with Baba Yaga’s flame, it jumps from the wick and her step relatives whole house becomes engulfed in flame. After reading this story, we wanted to embody Baba Yaga through a dress. The colors that appear on the dress- white, red, and black- are elements of Baba Yaga we had to include as her horsemen were these colors. The embroidery of the chicken legs around the neck were done to represent her house, for it sat on chicken legs. We left all edges raw as we thought a fresh and clean look did not exemplify Baba Yaga’s appearance or personality.


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