Video Project – Pudovkin’s 5 Basic Edits

Pudovkin’s 5 Basic Edits

Contrast: Contrast makes the viewer to compare two opposing scenes/atmosphere.
Parallelism: Parallelism is often used to jump from one time period or a location to another.
Symbolism: Auditory representation of another object.
Simultaneity: Action occurring at the same time in two different locations.
Leitmotif: Repetition. It is a technique that accompanies the reappearance of a person, object or situation.

Non-linear time was always a technique that I was interested in video editing because it checks the viewer if they are paying attention or not. Making jumps from different timeline to timeline allowing you to show an event within different angles and within different timelines. Allows you to edit the power of linear time into something much harder to follow.

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