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Summer – Int. Studio 2 – Prototype 3


Choose one of these Oblique Strategies, and make a final “Bad / dumb / stupid” idea of your project.


  • You must use 1 Oblique Strategy.
  • You must do the first “dumb” idea that comes to mind
  • You only have 1 hour to make the “bad prototype”
  • Select Oblique Strategy from this link as inspiration:
  • https://www.joshharrison.net/oblique-strategies/



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The oblique strategy was “decorate, decorate, decorate” one way in which I did that was to use the font of the language that the song is in. This alteration was a choice to not only more accurately depict the song but also to highlight the beauty and decorative aspects of the script. Furthermore, I added elements of the QR codes (small squares) to add more detail to the overall piece. As I was working on the prototype I realized that it connected to an idea that arose from the free write on my mood board, which was that a binary developed between the highly detailed aesthetics of Islamic art and the clean-cut art of the modern “West.” My work takes inspiration from traditional Islamic art not be it, and I find that the clean-cut art of the “West” to be more impactful – so I tried to come up with a way that I could bridge the two together. This resulted in the decisions I outlined above.

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