Final Project Proposal 4/27

Concept Statement:

People are losing their self-identity of themselves in the society due to the wanting to fit in, I want to use my work to express this state of mind about people, how they’re so trapped in the thoughts of others. I want to echo with people about how this feeling is okay because there are many other people suffering the same thing, they are not the only one who is struggling with meeting other people’s stander.

3D prototype in different views:   

compare to the last prototype the ideas stay the same. The drawings on the sides of the cube are inspired by the famous painting, Henri Matisse, Dance (I), 1909. I have the outline of the dancing people dancing on all sides of the cube to show the idea of happiness. The center of the cube is an evil hand, hand represents manipulation and control. By sewing on the outline of the people, and have the string go from one side to another side of the cube, the strings interacting with the evil hand to create a tension of controlling. having the front panel open, people are able to put their hand through the cube to feel the texture and tension of the strings. The ideas of having the strings to be the main focus of this piece of this art work is to show the string of our bandages as a person. We have invisible strings with things around us, and the string with things that in our minds such as ambition, desire, goals, and love.

I will picture this art piece to become a performance art in the Museum of Murder Art or Whitney Museum of art. I want this piece to perform in the winter where you can see the heavy snow on the transparent roof. The room that the performance art taking place should be pure white. The dancer’s body should also be painted in white as well. There will be small surfaces on the wall for the dancer to locate themselves, each surface has different height. The evil hand sculpture will be in the center of the room, painted with mirror effect pint. The dancers will dance on the different surface level of the room. The dancers have strings attach to their limbs on the one side of the room and another side of the strings is attached with the dancer from across the room. The string also interacting with the evil hand in the middle. This performance art piece is for everyone, my idea is to show the “tension” between everyone’s wants, and needs. The desire within ourself.


As freshman In Parsons School of Design, The New School. I am experiencing many forms of Art and trying to find the one suits me the best. The love of Art and Technology lead me tours Communication Design. I am energic, bright, and open-minded, who loves making new friends and collaborating project and art pieces with anyone who I find interesting with. I see the world as Kaleidoscope, Beautiful, unpredictable, and full of opportunity. I want to use my creative ability to make the world a more beautiful and inspire myself and others to be true and unique.

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