Observational Research 4/6

For this research assignment, I decided to go to visual chaos exhibition called: Toilet paper Paradise which located in downtown Manhattan, west of Soho area. It reimagines domestic settings as psychedelic vignettes that subvert possibilities and combinations also you can  touch, move, play and position objects which are in the exhibition. 

This exhibition is the most ridiculous and interesting exhibition that I ever been, The kaleidoscopic spaghetti world features over-sized stringy pasta pasted to the walls and floor also there have space popcorn and cloud fish wallpaper with a real size of crocodile, tombstone, and broken column. They are strangely non-sense combination. But this exhibition meet with my three domains: color, food and emotion. the emotion part is really weird, I can’t explain my exactly feel that I felt at that time, because of there are too many strange combination. The way that I observe this space is to be part of this place, I was touch, move play and position the objects so I can have a better understanding of this place and to figure out what is exactly that the person want to express and deliver. It was really fun that to look other people that occupy which doing the same thing with me, they are also looked at this place just like I am, and playing with those objects and take photos with funny postings. I believe this colorful and quirky exhibit is meaning as a ‘mental outburst of shared ideas,” and to be better understanding it, we should  “immerse ourself in a serious artist’s imagination.” and let our imagination getting deeper and deeper into the person’s craziness since the person have such a strong identity.”


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