Bridge 1: Process Documentation_02/08/18

Process and Documentation

Initial Idea Stream:

  1. Why does this building’s wall look so much more interesting and artistic than all the other buildings walls around it?

The feeling of scale and magnitude of the art wall. The fact that it is the only one with art.

Grand cityscape with artwork in the center.

Visualize (Buildings)

  1. What is the artwork symbolic of?

A list showing the order and process of each symbol interfaced with the artwork.

A glyph-like table showing off the different elements of the artwork.

Visualize (Grid)

  1. What is the purpose of this artwork, does it increase traffic and notoriety to the Best Buy store?

The idea of turning potential customers into buying ones. Meaning the idea of getting more customers through artwork.

Iconography and semiotics showcasing a rising interest and return yield.

Visualize (Icon)

  1. Did the owners of the building have to acquire additional building rights to install this artwork?

Permits and Authentication.

Physical permit that showcases a building right.

Visualize (Permit)

  1. How much more expensive is it to custom build a facade with artwork on it?

Money and a juxtaposition.

A bland old stone wall vs. the expensive more artsy one.

Visualize (Wall)



I chose to utilize the digital medium through adobe illustrator as that is the best way for me to represent my ideas visually. I could have drawn the final version of each idea however, then I would not have been able to experiment and try new things easily.



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