- Create a 3D solid cube or rectangular or an abstract shape (size 5” x 5”)
- Use an isometric drawing to deconstruct the rectilinear form to create the 3D object combined from different materials, which are interlocked to create a solid shape (think of children building blocks, or lego game). Each component should be from a different solid material.
- Use the negative space to create a complementary form of different solid material/s based on your materials research exploration. It can be clay, fabric, sheets of paper/ cardboard- laminated (glued) one on top of the other, inflatable (fabric with filling material a pillow like), etc.
- Take into consideration the composition, the texture, the density of the materials, how they function and react to each other. Use the 3D design principles and elements
Concept of design:
I want to use different materials to finish my work. From my mind, I would choose plaid wood, hard wood or MDF. And rest of the design, I may use card board and cotton.
Material and tools:
Working process:
I use ruler to count the size of card board and use machine to cut the wood. Because the wood have different direction for my product, I make number on each wood to help them have the correct direction. About the shape of bottom, I just want to create a bridge style. It is quite hard to make the shape.
Final project:
I used five different materials:
- Hardwood
- Plywood
- Cotton
- Cardboard
About these five different materials, the cotton is the interesting one. I use water to make them same as a solid material. It is a really fun project to play with these materials. I know the texture of different kinds of wood. I follow the sketch to create this structure. If I have next time, I would use plasticine to create a better shape on the top.