“New Gods” February 21st update – Core Studio/Seminar 3D

I completed the final bust – perfectionism, which funny enough is the one that gave me the most trouble (murphy’s law really set in on this one). It was the only bust I was not able to do in one sitting, honestly by the time I got to it I was really tired of looking at clay. I still need to sand it but honestly, I’m not super pleased with the outcome, I think my frustration really got the better of me when I was sculpting since I was getting really impatient. I think once I sand it and stain the base I’ll feel better about it. I also need to add the arrows in the back.

I constructed the base of the diorama and I’m working on the walls separately but they slot into place and are able to be removed for photographing.  I did some quick test shots for lighting and placement as well but I’ll be finishing everything this week for final photographing. I started to glue on the eyelashes to the pieces that are meant to have them, I’m still trimming them down so they look right. I also still need to sand and stain the rest of the bases but that won’t take too long.

I began writing the background on each of the “gods” and their names, not all of them are finished yet but here’s what I have so far:

Fūtilis (Latin word for futile)

God of the Extestenial and Nihilistic dilemma. 

Fūtilis infiltrates slowly at first, only posing one or two questions initially before fully invading and taking root within the mind. In the beginning, Fūtilis’ presence was long and unsettling but as the layers receded back, the absence of meaning becomes an old friend. Always there, always lurking in the depths of the subconscious. There are periods where Fūtilis demands full attention, a full examination of all it has to offer in its diatribe. Everything Fūtilis is has existed for eternity, it is the recognition of its being that is daunting. Coexisting with Fūtilis may be an impossible task or the most liberating. 


Perpetua (means perpetual/continuing, not named for the Christian martyr)

Goddess of Procrastination

Her visits vary in length but they are always compelling. Her visage alone is enough to break concentration. She brings with her pleasure, guilt, and anxiety but only leaves with the first.


Unnamed so far

Goddess of Disassociation

She enters swiftly and likely unannounced and within seconds of her arrival, her power takes hold. Time and reality come to a screeching halt as all senses are dulled and the mind goes blank. The way she is able to numb is both cruel and kind, in a twisted way she is providing protection. The trama that first invoked her is no longer at the forefront, it is buried deep in the haze she gives off. She is able to separate every emotion, thought, and identity from the physical form and she imbues a void in its place. Her effects linger long after she has left. Her gift of numbness leaves a pit of emptiness in its wake with glazed-over eyes, limbs that feel too heavy to move, and the inability to feel or think. 


Toril (Norwegian, Old Norse allegedly means thunder but I can find a reliable source confirming this)

God of Mercurialness 

They watch from afar and violently flip the cards of one’s emotions without warning. They are the swirling confusion of never knowing why a certain feeling is bubbling up. 


Saboteur (A person who engages in sabotage)

Goddess of Perfectionism

Her iron grip on the mind and body is unshakeable, her claws just sink in deeper and deeper as time rolls on. She hungers for and feeds off the success and is never satiated.

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