Time: Video

Performance Art Video:

In this performance video, I stick “eyes” on my body, aiming to reflect the idea that people are looking at and judging people, and they are judged at the same time. The eye is a symbol of people’s attention. Sometimes people try so hard to grab other’s attention, and sometimes they try to put themselves outside the public sight.

Pudovkin’s 5 principles of editing

  1. Contrast: Moving from one scene and the other scene to emphasize the contrast.
  2. Parallelism: Connecting and cutting between two unrelated scenes to emphasize the connection.
  3. Symbolism: Using one scene or object that has no direct relationship to the other object to show a certain symbolic connection between them.
  4. Simultaneity: Showing two related scenes by cutting between them, which increases the suspense and extend the time.
  5. Leit Motif: A repetition of a featured clip that is related to the theme.

Practice -one color

Storyboard and design

When doing sketching and the storyboard, I was thinking of acting a character that represents an epitome of the modern people in order to express my idea, so I decided to put a plastic bag on my head so that the viewers cannot see my face. The clips show different parts of my body, and they are shot at different angles. I play with the curve and color during the editing process. I want to make my video looks more graphic and 2D. In some parts of the video, the frames changes from colored to black and white. I adjust the color to show that things are changing in a period of time.

In linear time, the progression of time corresponds in time from cause to effect. In non-linear time, time has only symbolic meaning, and any node of the event may be connected with any other node of the whole event. In this video, I’m trying to mostly apply non-linear time to blur the boundary of cause and effect.

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