Studio 3D: Final Project ‘Indifference’

For the final assignment of this semester, we were assigned to create a site specific work on or near school.  Upon starting this project, I started to map out my thoughts and relations with specific sites in and around the school.  The idea of contemplation, thought processing and reflection popped up immediately, so I decided to take this idea further through this project.  I chose my site to be at the back corner of the 10th floor at the 2 West 13th building. I chose this site because the site was hidden, dark, and had a weird vibe. I wanted to construct a space that gave the ‘viewer’ a secure place to be alone, and to get lost in their own thought/ world.

I decided to use the reflective plexiglass as a mirror to play with the idea of reflection, both literally and metaphorically. I chose the main color  for this project to be orange, thinking about light. In addition to the play with color, I decided to add 2 light sources for the site. One light directly in front of the viewer, and a candle behind the viewer. The installation of the the light sources  dramatically enhanced the moment and atmosphere of the site. The cracked mirror pieces and jagged wires were meant to be representations of scattered thoughts and different perspectives.




Overall, I believe that I was successful in actualizing my idea as I initially planned to. Despite having several technical issues here and there during the process, I think that the project was a success in the end and that it served its purpose. The critique process deepened my understanding of concepts and different ways to make connections.

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