Reaction: Three


What does number 3 say to you?

How is it useful?

How do we experience the third dimension?

What triads or trinities inspire you?


I had never noticed before, but after listening to the lecture, I realized and agreed that the number three is almost everywhere in our life,  trilogy, triangle, three little pigs, professors always ask me to have at least 3 body paragraphs in my essay, etc. 

Personally, I feel like three could also be a balance: a table normally will need three legs to stand stably. But I do agree with the point in the lecture that three could be really powerful. For example, In the field of art, number three will remind me of the geometric composition of many famous paintings, which can be used to emphasize the subjects in paintings, like Mona Lisa. It really leads viewers to look at her face in detail.
Plus, it is a common sense that two points can form a single line, but at least three points can form a surface or a shape. According to the lecture, a cube is n3,  which make sense that 3D image requires a combination of many, many surfaces.
From oil painting to digital art, people have been searching for the realism of the picture. This is an artificial artistic technique invented in pursuit of truth. But 3d does not just restore real life, it is more creative. For example, 3d animation, why do we prefer using three-dimension instead of two-dimensional animation?
I think animation is an art form and carrier, and its content is often magical, surreal, and fantasy. Three-dimensional art pursues reality in terms of material, structure, and spatial perspective, rather than restoring reality. Therefore, three-dimensional animation uses reality to describe fantasy, in order to let the audience enter the fantasy world.

In recent years, more and more 3D elements have begun to appear in exhibitions, posters, and various fields. Artists and designers also need 3d elements to make their works more diverse.

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