Reaction: “Puppetry, the Object in Performance”


What aspect of puppetry, or performing objects, resonates with you?

How can it help clarify the work that you do?

Would you consider creating a piece that involved puppetry?


The lecture explains the definition of puppetry as a performing object, “a theatrical figure moved under human control”. I can understand the idea that puppetry is to give life to perform objects. Puppets can become “living”, thoughtful, and emotional by the performer.

When I was watching the lecture, the first thing that comes to my mind was hand puppets, I just bought one for my younger sister. I use my hands to control the puppet and tell stories. She thinks puppets bring out the narrative better, the movement of the puppet even can show the characteristic, and also the narrator I (the performer) made.

I also like the idea that the most important thing is not the puppet itself, but how it works with our imagination. A doll could also be pretty and attractive, however, without the control of the performer, its characteristic wouldn’t be that vivid. If I am doing a puppet show, I think a stage(background) will also help, and voice.

As the lecture mentions, there are basically three ways to control a puppet: by hand, rods, strings. I would like to do a hand puppet and do a childish story. Just wondering, is stop motion animation, like object animation count as part of puppetry?

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