Intergenerational Governance
Puaschunder, J.M. (2019). Intergenerational Governance and Leadership in the Corporate World: Emerging Research and Opportunities. Hershey, Pennsylvania: IGI Publishing.

Intergenerational Governance and Leadership in the Corporate World: Emerging Research and Opportunities, Julia M. Puaschunder, IGI Publishing, 2018

Intergenerational Governance and Leadership in the Corporate World: Emerging Research and Opportunities, Julia M. Puaschunder, IGI Publishing, 2018
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Book release event North America at the National Academy of Sciences, Engineering, Medicine’s Keck Center for the National Academies, Washington DC, USA, May 29, 2019.

Intergenerational Governance and Leadership in the Corporate World: Emerging Research and Opportunities, Julia M. Puaschunder, IGI, 2019