
Mono Prints Assignment:  Learning Portfolio post on Monoprints. Please submit two curated images including 12 of your mono prints. Write a short reflection about your work both in terms of the formal aspects and the conceptual elements. Find one artist who uses mono prints whose work interests you and post an image of their work. Please submit the LP post in the link below… will be assigned a partner, please…

Sustainable Systems: Postcard from the Future

Postcard From The Future Assignment: 1. Research Using online and library resources, research the climate of your home city (the same place you chose for your memory writing) What kind unique problems does it face? Eg. The north-east coast of North America has the potential of “Nor-Easters” – violent storms that combine wind and rain/snow. The prairies in Canada and the U.S are prone to “Twisters”. Predictions, based on the…