IDS Project 3: Manifesto

My (Written) Manifesto I believe in caring deeply for other people. Caring for others and desiring to empathize with them creates an atmosphere wherein we can grow and deepen our human experience. Meaningful relationships bring meaning to life. Balance is essential. Maybe not to be in balance but to be aware of balance is what’s most important. There are balances and dichotomies in ourselves and everyone else but there is…

IDS Project 3: Emotional Object

  Exercising Emotion.  When asked to bring in an object that carried an intense amount of emotion I automatically knew I would bring my phone. (As if I wouldn’t already have had it on me.) In conjunction with my media class, film classes, and of course Integrated Studio, I have experienced a heightened awareness of my consumption of media and also the media I create/perpetuate. I feel more than anything,…