Project 5 Week 6 Check-In

This week we have begun to finalize layouts and print the zines.

These are the layouts I did for the 3 different prompt zines. I am really thrilled with the different prompts, I am really proud that I wrote so many that I consider to be really nice pros and now they are to be printed an dI may share and keep them.

Because I did the majority of the work in the way of writing and laying out the text zine, we tried to divide up the work with the photo zine and the creation of the covers, so no one was necessarily doing more work than any other. (Brit did the covers and Sak continued to layout, Anastasia and Emma continued to Curate imagery, etc.)

We decided on covers for each of the zines and began to screen print those.

I was thrilled to screen print, it is a long process to actually expose and prepare the screens for printing but once you get it going it is easy to iterate and iterate.

I have never screen printed or did any real printmaking in the actual print shop so I am just so excited that I have this new skill that I can build on and develop. Luckily both Brit and Jenny work in the Print shop so we were able to get a really easily accessible intro.



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