project 3 REVERIE

I, Katherine, Laetitia, and Reuben worked on a film titled ‘Reverie.’

We started by looking at our social styles, I got driver, Laetitia is an analysts, Reuben expressive. Now that the project is over I can definitely see our types, I feel I need to push and sometimes take the reigns because this is something that my name was going on and I didn’t want it to turn out bad. Laetitia took in my and Reuben’s ideas, digested them, and let us know what she thought. Reuben was expressive in the way that once I remarked that one idea seemed clique and Laetitia and I didn’t like it he backed away.

I was the only one in my group that remembered and documents their dreams so i shared my stories with them and we started building off of a general theme/feeling that strung through my dreams. We made lists. 

I wanted to try out cinemagraphs which are photographs that have one or more consistency moving pieces. I thought that was eerily dream like and I wanted to see how it would work and how and if we could build off of it. Here’s what we came up with:

IMG_0977-2kv6k0a IMG_0983-2ls1ciz


Since spring break was fast approaching and everyone in the group was going some place tropical, we decided to just take as much footage as we could where we were going and see what we had when we got back and put it together. (and get more footage afterwards if need be) Laetitia kept me very posted on the footage she was getting, and good thing too because she was shooting vertically at first.

Once we got back we shared what we had and I started putting it into a timeline and working on our dream sequence while Laetitia worked on the in-class quiz. I chose the music and edited the film, Laetitia made the slideshow for out final presentation.


The final film was entitled REVERIE music by Hans Zimmerman (Cornfield Chase)//


Overall, I loved working with Laetitia. She was always asking if I needed help, seeing as I was the only one editing since she didn’t know how. She worked on the things I couldn’t being busy editing. I do wish we could’ve planned a bit better and made a more concrete film, but alas no regrets.



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