Make-a-Thon Reflection

Make-a-Thon Reflection

In the seminar class prior to the studio class in which we had this Make-A-Thon, I was doing research on the different culture’s zodiacs. So for the three things we were to make I chose objects from the Mayan zodiacs such as grass, earth, water, storm, etc. I continued with learning the embroidery punch pen. From the “prototype” homework, I had mostly experimented with how the pen reacted with different fabrics I had, so now I continued with the fabric I liked best for this makeathon. Something I learned from this was the more central i attempted to use the punch needle within the hoop, the more the thread would fail to stay through because it was less taught in the middle.  Because I’ve been doing more research for this topic, paired with my slow going with the punch needle and traditional embroidery in general, my brain is starting to come up with other ideas and alternatives to approaching the project so that I can have a successful outcome.


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