This is my memory map of my hometown, it might not be 100% accurate according to the exact landscape, but in my memories, there are a lot of shops near the public library when I was young, and I love the ice-cream cars that always stopped in front of the library. I often buy ice-creams after going to the library.

Those shops and ice-cream cars form my childhood, which I spent lots of weekends there, are almost gone now. Shops closed down a few years before and the ice-cream cars no longer stop in front of the library, and so do I, I lost my childhood, it is kept in the shops and ice-cream cars that I used to go, and I miss them so much.

In my opinion, no ice-cream would be better than what I bought from the ice-cream cars several years before because it contains my memory of that place, that period of time, and last but not least, my memorisable childhood.

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