Project 1: Memory Map

Integrative Studio: Project 1

This is my memory map ranged by the timeline from left to right. I fold my map in the airplane form to show how I feel about the time past, the airplane goes fast and sharp through out time.

I presented four things that are deep in my memory(imagination), and they are from 4 periods of my life: which are fluffy white rabbit toy from my early years, a dream of roses from my childhood, cupcakes with cherry that I took few days ago and a red dress that I hope I can get in the future.

The connection between them is the colour “red”, for me, it is the first colour that I ever notice in my life. I also did a further research about the colour, and as a result, red is the most outstanding colour that people’s eyes can see. The red colour appears on the rabbit’s eyes, the roses in my dream, the cherry on the cupcakes and the red fabric of dress.

I tried to make connections between my memories in different period of time, no matter my emotions toward the things/events or the colour relationship. The patterns in the square represent the uncertainty for me to memorise my things/events, I cannot say that they are 100% accurate because some of them are from a long time ago.

I tried to present my meanings and themes without explaining it to people. If I am going to do this again, I think I can improve on the ways that I show my work, and I hope that next time I can show clearly about the timeline of my memory map.

Final work:

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