Project 2: Transitional Space

Time & Composition: Project 2

In this project, we are going to choose a transitional space around(or inside) The New School. The transitional space is a place that connects two different places(just like transferring people from one space to another).

I choose to use the transitional space that connected my dormitory(Kerrey Hall, above the University Centre of The New School) and the Arnhold Forum Library(In the University Centre of The New School). The transitional space is a short and small corridor, there are in total four doors connected by the corridor. Three of the four doors lead to the staircase in The New School and my dormitory(Kerrey Hall), those places can only be found connected in this small area, the three staircases all leads to different part of the buildings, some are only for going downstairs while some are for both upstairs and downstairs. What I found interesting is that one of the four doors that I did not mentioned yet leads to the school library in 7th floor of the University Centre. It is interesting because the staircases are often used by students living in the Kerrey Hall, it can be labelled: “Noisy and busy”, while the library is labelled: “Calm and quite”, and they are only separated by one single door.

I often use this transitional space(Stairs in Kerrey Hall to the Library in the University Centre) during the busy hours in my University(morning 9:00 and evening 6:30-7:00), it helps me save time when I am hurrying to my classrooms. However, people using this transitional space have to make sure their noise and voice is not so loud, so that they won’t disturb the students that’s studying in the library while they are using the corridor(transitional space).

I made some sketches for the space that I want to present by photographs, and after that, I took some photographs to show what the spaces look like, how is it a transitional space, and it is presented in the chronological sequence, just like you are walking from the stairs in Kerrey Hall to the library.

Final image:

Sketches of the transitional space(From Kerrey Hall to Library in UC):

Photographs of transitional space(From Kerrey Hall to Library in UC):

Thank you for reading!





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