Becoming Nonhuman/Designing Nonhuman

Squirrel Nest

If I was a squirrel I would like to have a worm home that I can come home to after playing in the park. I live in Washington Square Park where all the different animal live. My home is a very big tree right on the edge of the park. My whole family lives there, to the point where there is no room for everyone.

I wanted to create something for the squirrels that they would feel safe in and make it their home. I would make hanging nests out of old muslin fabric. Fabric is one of the biggest martial in the fashion intuits that goes into the waist lands its about 10-20% depending each year. The out side of the nest would be made out of scrapes fabric and in the inside it would have dried grass and leaves just the way they would make their nests. Because the pieces are hanging in the tree they are bright colorful eye grabbing pieces. At night, the bottom of the nest would light up with energy from solar panels. Just imagine a whole park light up at night with lights throw out the tresses. This would give the place of welcoming people to be in nature more. Thats what I would create for my tree friends.

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