10 Cited and Annotated Images

*this was originally posted on the wrong learning portfolio site since I have different one for different classes, so I just changed this and put it on the right one*


1 . Eckhaus Latta Spring 2017 – I chose this image because it is clear that sex and nude contact is happening in an ad that is supposed to be selling clothing.  Why the sexual reference when trying to sell clothing and the focus is clearly not at all on that? The photographer, Heji Shin previously shot sex images for a sex ed book which also leads me to believe that the brand did not choose the right way to sell clothes.


Shin, Heju. “Eckhaus Latta Spring 2017.” Digital image. https://www.wmagazine.com/gallery/most-controversial-fashion-ad-campaigns.


2.  Calvin Klein 1992: Kate Moss and Mark Wahlberg – Kate Moss in these images is 17 years old which is not a legal age. The fact that she is topless on a man who is older than her is distrubing. Calvin Klein also makes bras which doesn’t make sense considering she is not wearing one in this photo and isn’t the clothing overall what they want to sell? Sources say Kate Moss was upset after shooting these photos and rightfully so.


“Calvin Klein 1992.” Digital image. https://www.wmagazine.com/gallery/most-controversial-fashion-ad-campaigns.


3. YSL 2002 Full Frontal Nude – It is clear by now that sex sells or sexual references peak consumer’s interest, but this ad did not make sense to me. The model, is showing fully frontal nudity next to a cologne bottle. It is not clear to most as to why this nudity was needed to sell a cologne. The body is being used to sell but without the photograph of the cologne, it would not make sense.


“YSL 2002.” Digital image. https://www.wmagazine.com/gallery/most-controversial-fashion-ad-campaigns.

4. Tom Ford 2007 shot by Terry Richardson – This is easily one of the most controversial ads. Similar to my previous image, we wonder why nudity is necessary in selling perfume. The overly sexual usage of women and their body parts is insulting. It again does not make sense with the product placement.


“Tom Ford 2007.” Digital image. https://www.wmagazine.com/gallery/most-controversial-fashion-ad-campaigns.

5. Dolce and Gabbana 2015 – This is another ad where it is trying to sell clothing and yet the models are not wearing much clothing at all. The women is also placed in a position around a few men that represnets gang rape which awful just saying.


“Dolce and Gabbana 2015.” Digital image. https://www.wmagazine.com/gallery/most-controversial-fashion-ad-campaigns.

6. Gucci Pubic Hair – Not only was this showing another women put in a compromising position by a male, but the main focus of this ad is pubic hair from the model rather than the clothes that Gucci is trying to sell. Was this shaving necessary?


“Gucci 2003.” Digital image. https://www.wmagazine.com/gallery/most-controversial-fashion-ad-campaigns.

7. Nude Fashion Show – This designer, Nicholas Nybro, decided to express himself by pushing nude “designs” on the runway. This is definitley something that has not been done before and stunned the audience. This  is a topic of the ideas of perception of beauty and lack of clothing. Since this was in a fashion show, is nudity therefore fashion?


“Nudity Is the New Black: Designer Shocks with NAKED Fashion Show.” Digital image. https://www.dailystar.co.uk/fashion-beauty/636195/Naked-show-Copenhagen-Fashion-Week-Nicholas-Nybro.

8. Playboy unpublished – Playboy and the whole brand is a very informative topic about nudity and fashion. Now even more so, playboy has been expadnning and doing more fashion stories rather than porn like images in their magazines. This unpublished editorial is showing fashion in a unique way, but because of the revealing clothing, it makes sense for Playboy.


Bruessing, Alex. “TRANSPARENCY’ FOR DUTCH PLAYBOY MAGAZINE.” Digital image. https://www.raremediumwelldone.com/PLAYBOY.

9. Semi-nudity in Fashion Designs – This is something I am seeing more and more of on the runway and in fashion stories. The model is not fully nude, she is in fact wearing a top, but the material is sheer and meant to show more of the body. Is this reveling of the nipple considered fashion? Is it necessary? What would it look like with a slip underneath? Would it be as successful?


IMAXTREE. “How Sex Came Back Into Fashion.” Digital image. https://www.elle.co.za/sex-came-back-fashion.

10. Gilly Hicks – There have been many allegations about how the former CEO of Abercrombie, Mike Jeffries, used to portray its workers based solely upon their looks, and in the advertisements. This clearly shows with this ad. The male models all naked then one girl wearing the actual clothing of which they are trying to sell seems to take away from what they are trying to sell which is the bra and underwear. This many naked guys and one girl seems borderline pornographic. There have been many Abercrombie ads, especially in the earlier years however, that are way worse than this.

“Fashion Advertising: Controversy — Where Has It Gone?” Digital image. https://wwd.com/business-news/marketing-promotion/gallery/fashion-advertising-controversy-where-has-it-gone/.

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