Final Design Project

Invasion studio:


My Waste


According to the Environmental Protection Agency, Americans generate 254 million tons of trash a year. Improper removal and disposal of waste would cause lots of bad results such as soil contamination, air contamination, climate change, bad impact on human health and so on… The policy is designed to be a motivation for people to start garbage classification, the government needs to take coercive measures when necessary.


In order to get people started, a standard rule is necessary within the community. The government needs to have more budget on collecting garbage, for example, more manual labor. People can go to the disposal station in each area to exchange money with their recyclable waste such as paper boards and bottles. Also, there will be a specific area in each building or neighborhood for garbage collection, and for high-efficiency garbage sorting, at each station, there will be a group of a supervisor who is in charge of helping people to do the garbage collection and if people do not cooperate, they will be charged a fine range from 50-100, depends on the situation.


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