Diptych Investigation Part 2

Diptych 1:

I chose to do a collage for the first piece as i felt it would most accurately be able to summarise the topic, i also decided to use a 3d head as i wanted to make a 3D piece. These materials work for these pieces according to me.


Diptych 2:

For the first piece i used sharpie and gold leaf on paper and for the second one i used acrylic and gold leaf on paper. Both the materials work well as the illustration is strong enough and any other material would take away from that.


Diptych 3:

For both these pieces i photographed my self with a timer and had stuck post it’s on my body/face representing the different stereotypes. I then stuck physical post it’s on top to give it a 3D feel. This works well too.



Comments that i found most helpful:

  1. What if i used my face and the features of the people i know for my first diptych

2. What if i actually asked people their opinion  and used their face for the first diptych

3. What if i make a series for the third diptych.

This critique was a lot more interesting and helped me gain a lot more feedback than usual! I was also told that my work had improved from last week from my classmates and from Brian too.

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