Visual Culture Studio Thesis Research – Final Project Proposal and Prototype

My theme is gender and my focus on my theme till now has been on the following:

Materials used for earlier diptychs:

1. Acrylic paint

2. Photography

3. Illustrator

4. Collaging

5. Sharpie

6. Gold leafing

Topics explore for earlier diptychs:

  1. Plastic surgery


3. Gender stereotypes


Mind Map:

Final Project Proposal Draft:

For my final project I plan to focus on how I am treated differently just because i am a girl and how i am forced to do certain things just because i am a girl, specially coming from India. I plan on making a series of artworks that show my journey as a girl in India and how it changed when i came to the United States. I plan on using a variety of mediums as i will be making a series. They include water colour, photography ( but by manipulating it by adding personal touches), acrylic paint, illustrator, photoshop, video, text and plaster gauze.

Inspiring Artists:

  1. Tayeba Lipi

2. Barbara Kruger


3. Jenny Holzer

Prototype I made for the series of final project:


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