Integrative Research & Development – Post #3

Throughout the past few weeks, we have added a lot to our book draft. As a group, we split much of the work up after having discussions in class. I have been focusing on creating personas, timelines, and initial research sketches. For the initial research sketches, I have scanned my best and most relevant work from the first two weeks of class. These sketches have been added into our book in the initial research phases before we discuss our main issue. Below is a close up image of one sketch as well as an image from the book of several sketches.

For the timelines, I focused on creating one long timeline focusing on the history of the Internet and social media. Before creating the final timeline which is incorporated into the book, I worked on making a draft of the history of the Internet and Chaelin worked on making a draft of the history of social media. After combining both timelines and picking the most important events in time, I created one timeline for the final book. Below is an image of half of the timeline.

For the personas, I created three “users”. I focused on individuals between the ages of 12 and 30, as that age range seemed to be the most affected by social media. All three of the personas have different issues that they deal with regarding social media usage. These personas correspond with a “day in the life” for each individual before and after using our prototype. Below is an image of one of the personas created for the final book.

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