Good Design at MoMA, FNBK #1 + UN Prep


My second photo at my location:

The Data I collected:


1. Briefly describe the type of objects included in the show.  What colors do you see? What textures and materials seem common? What is the feeling of the show — the overall design sensibility? The overall feeling of the show as if it felt like I was in the future. For some reason, I thought the show was very futuristic because of the way the products were designed. It wasn’t a future that has many technological improvements but rather a future that had the same improvements but with different designs.

2. How would you describe this exhibition to a friend who doesn’t live in New York? I would definitely recommend going see it if he or she was interested in product design because there were designs that I never thought it had the chance to be designed like that . Especially the products were very aesthetically pleasing.

3. Do any of the objects look familiar to you? Do they seem “old” or contemporary? Some objects seemed old, like this one particular chair and it was due to its rustic colors but other than that I thought the show was very contemporary and weird but in a really good way. I felt like I was in a movie in a way.

4. Do you agree that most of these objects are “good design”? Why? The materials used in some of the objects can be considered to add on to the “good design” products.

5. Which of the objects seem like “bad design”? Why? A bad design can be a design in which you can’t repair it with the current materials that are available in the world. For instance, if an old design is made with antique materials, it would be very hard to repair it because you wouldn’t have the materials to repair it with.

6. Do most of the objects in this exhibition seem sustainable, how so? I didn’t pay that much attention to the materials of the products but I realized that products did not have any plastic which is always one step closer to being sustainable.

7. Which object did you choose (object you would keep for the next 50 years):

Name of Object: Spacelander bicycle

Designer: Benjamin Bowden

Country of design: British

Year of first production: 19468.

What materials are used to create this design? Fiberglass, chrome-plated steel, leather and rubber.

9. What makes this object a Long Life Design (for you)? Why would you want to keep it? I was first attracted to the bicycle’s look and really liked how futuristic and weird it looked. That’s why I wanted to see if it was long life design or not. The materials used for this product are all materials that are sustainable (except rubber but rubber is only a very small portion of it). The use of fiberglass gives it the long life design of it I think since fiberglass is a material that is sustainable.

10. Do you think the production or materials used in this object might be threatened by climate change/Anthropocene? Maybe the use of leather can threaten the Anthropocene because even leather can be sustainable compared to other materials such as plastic, it is the cause of killing animals to produce something for humans. So it definitely can cause the extinction of animals if leather is used in all products.

11. How could you update/alter this design to be more sustainably made (and resilient)? Could other materials could be used? I would definitely first find an alternative to leather because I am against of killing animals to create something. There are many alternatives to leather such as recycled rubber and cotton.

Read the following article, “Short Answers to Hard Questions About Climate Change (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.” and write a response describing which question surprised you the most. What other, new information did you learn? Do you feel encouraged by this article? How aware do you think your friends and family are of this information?

I was most surprised with the information about reducing the airplane trips. I never thought that traveling was a cause of climate change. I travel a lot, especially when I’m back in Turkey and go to many parts of Turkey during the summer. I always go somewhere during the weekends and come back to Istanbul. When I learned this information I started thinking about the many times I went on a plane and felt really sad. I will definitely try to reduce the number of times I go on a plane.

I was most surprised with the question “What’s the optimistic case?” only because I always read articles about climate change but I always read the negative parts of it. I have never come up with a site that provided the optimistic side of the case. For instance, this paragraph made me have hope for the future: “Some technological breakthroughs are already making cleaner energy more attractive. In the United States, for instance, coal has been losing out to natural gas as a power source, as new drilling technology has made gas more abundant and cheaper; for a given amount of power, gas cuts emissions in half. In addition, the cost of wind and solar power has declined so much that they are now the cheapest power source in a few places, even without subsidies.”

I don’t think we are aware of these pieces of information that much. Climate change is a very significant issue that is correlated with every single person on Earth. It is a common problem we have to solve and in order to do that I think the most important thing is informing people.

Explore articles published in the New York Times within the last month in the “Climate and Environment Section”Links to an external site.

The article I chose:

We know for sure that when a heat wave happens inland, we are informed about it. But I never knew that heat waves happen in oceans too and that these hurt the marine life. I’ve learned that oceans have absorbed more than 90 percent of the heat that is trapped by excess greenhouse gases, which is mainly because of burning fossil fuels, like coal and natural gas for energy.

I was very surprised to see the images of Kelps being way underwater and providing the goods to the marine life but after the heat, the Kelps are dried out in the land. This is important because Kelp helps with the food and habitat of fishes.

(It didn’t let me upload the images of Kelp.)


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