Figure Drawing

My Figure Drawing Experience

January 3rd

Gesture Drawings:

February 6th

Gesture Drawings

February 13th

Gesture Drawings

March 6th

Gesture Drawings

March 13th

Gesture Drawings

(All 2 minutes)

April 3rd

Gesture Drawings

Longer Poses

10 minutes

10 minutes

10 minutes

10 minutes

10 minutes

20 minutes

10 minutes

10 minutes

20 minutes

10 minutes

20 minutes

20 minutes

20 minutes

20 minutes

20 minutes


I never had the chance to do figure drawing before, so the very first figure drawing was my first time drawing a live model. At first, I was very anxious because I had no experience and because I thought I didn’t have the skills when everyone did. But as I worked through it, I got better at it and learned a lot. I learned how to work with light, which I didn’t do before also, forming shadows and drawing without borders. The biggest challenge for me was working with details, so the details of the face, the hands, and the feet. When I had to chance to work with details and from far away, I chose to work with detail because I wanted to improve on it. As I drew more of detail, I got better at it. I also didn’t know how to see the lights on an object/model and draw it, and I think I learned a lot from this class about how to find the light source and do shadowing.


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