Creative Reflection Week 5

Lubaba Abbas Kazmi

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Fashion and Culture

Creative Reflection

Page 90

You are what you wear


This passage perfectly summarizes how I felt after my studio professor from last semester conducted an outfit analysis exercise. Each one of us had to stand in front of the class individually, tell what we were wearing and where we got it from. I was anxious at first and didn’t want to participate since I wasn’t wearing an outfit I was proud of that day. There were some interesting revelations. The list of descriptive adjectives for my outfit included coordinated, calm, edgy, business woman, crisp and fall. Word describing me were driven, confident, intelligent, architectural, modern and hardworking. I was bewildered to see how many of these were true and what people think of me just by looking at what I wear.

This is exactly what the passage talks about. My class fellows did jump to conclusions like assuming that I’m an architecture major envy though I’m enrolled in the BBA degree. “Proxy for language”, the writer uses this to emphasis on how our clothes communicate with others without having to say a word.  How you look is the first thing someone would see about you.

Our appearances and the clothes we wear enable identity, expression, exploration and experimentation. Most people would “dress to impress” at an important event or while trying to make a positive first impression, as one would want to put out the best versions of themselves. Looking your best gives you confidence which leads to better performance. This can shape not only what others think of us but also our self-perceptions, creating an avatar. However, it’s not always the case and it’s unfair to judge someone by what they’re wearing.


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