Dress Log Review: ELP #3

Overall my personal style is all about movement and expression. I need to have a certain level of mobility while going about my day and don’t feel I need to sacrifice my style to do this. I stick to a grunge chic kind of vibe. The themes I noticed in my dress log were; black leggings, and individuality through form. I found that I use large pieces in conjunction with slim fitting/form hugging pieces to create an interesting contrast that pushes the envelope for feminine dress practices, incorporating male fashion pieces in with my female pieces.

   I had never noticed how my daily dress practices were so unisex. I have always identified as a woman but also have never been keen to follow what “girls should do”. While getting dressed I am never thinking, “how can I be a different kind of feminine?” I just pick what I love and what makes sense for the event, day, weather, etc. Seeing how my sex played out in my wardrobe was eye-opening.

This exercise impacted the view I have of myself, I showed me how I have grown to be less inhibited and am more excited and willing to show my personal style and self. I strive to be noticed when in the past I have strived to fit in. Overall this was an empowering project.

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