Maya Madi

Electronic Learning Portfolio

Paper Manipulation Project



Process-Part 1

For our paper manipulation project, we wanted to focus on the inner meaning of advertisements. I noticed in my experimentation with paper, that I was manipulating the physical object in correspondence with the advertisements I was seeing on the paper itself. I changed around the words and covered up different parts of the photos with other papers. This gave the whole advertisement a different message, even though you could still recognize the page as its original function. The theme of paper manipulation expanded towards advertisement manipulation.


Process-Part 2

The message we wanted to convey with our project was the influence of advertisements on humans. We wanted to emphasise the consumer approach that our economy is now built upon; the idea that we should continuously be buying products, until their function is no longer valuable or useful, then the cycle beings all over again. In addition, the idea of innovation and products always improving, giving customers the need to buy the latest version. Examples are very easy to find in everyday life, including fast fashion and cell phones. This has become a societal theme.

The idea of our paper manipulation object was turning a piece of a Dior bag into a shopping bag. The handle of the bag was made out of braided paper, making it a sturdy support. The bag itself came from the bottom part of the Dior paper bag, and was folded, as well as sewn, in all the extra openings. The point of folding the shopping bag into a new bag was to distort the advertising on the Dior bag. The word “Dior” is no longer together, rather different letters have been cut in different places. As well, the patterns on the Dior bag have been changed and manipulated. Now, the transformation is a new shopping bag, with a manipulated advertisement than the original.


Inside the bag there are many pieces of magazine pages that have been stuck inside to look like a gift bag tissue paper or packaging. The message behind this part of our project was to touch upon magazine advertisements and their impact on fashion as well as the power of persuasion; how customers are constantly seeing advertisements and then feel the urge to buy these products in the pictures. The power of advertisements plays an important role in consumerism and modern societies everyday life. Distorting the way the eyes are viewing these advertisements creates a new perspective on them, seeing what they are truly doing, and how impactful their influences our on us.




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